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You can make a significant difference by taking the lead and making an effort to ask others for their thoughts and opinions. The more you include others and ask for their input, the more they will feel important to the team and an integrated part of the organization. As a result, everyone will have a greater sense of commitment to their work, and will have higher levels of engagement and performance. This course will help you increase the number of times you ask others for their input on situations that involve them. By completing this course, you will know how to best seek out the thoughts and opinions of others in key situations.

The Result:
Actively seek the thoughts and opinions of others in key situations

This is available as part of

Building Your Leadership Skills
Individuals build leadership skills that can help in any role, whether the person is an individual contributor, new supervisor or experienced manager.
Being a leader is not just about managing others. It's also about being a positive role model with others, taking personal responsibility for your actions, and taking the lead to increase your contribution to the organization. Personal leadership is also about communicating well with others, being a... read more
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