Printed Toolkit



This activity pack gives managers the insights they need to help people deal with change in the workplace and change in their personal lives which impinge on work. By understanding the stages of change and how people progress through them, participants learn how to support and understand the behaviour and feelings of the people they manage. The activities can be run by trainers and by managers with their teams.

They have been used on a number of programmes including:

  • managing change effectively
  • merging the culture
  • preparing for change
  • carrying forward the new culture
  • managing people during change

List of Activities:

1. Change and Self-esteem
Change and its effect on our feelings.

2. Hanlon's Paradox
Change and the need to learn.

3. The Influencing Style Audit
Assessing our influence on the change process.

4. Energy and Commitment - the Proud-Callender Construct
Assessing the motivation for change.

5. The Cycle of Growth
How people change and grow.

6. Hiding Our Opinion
Not revealing our own approach to proposals for change.

7. Teacher? Coach? Mentor? Friend?
Identifying a style of helping others through change.

8. The Power-Concern Matrix
Gaining support from key individuals for proposals about change.

9. Dealing with Objections, Criticisms and Nos
Meeting another person's approach to change.

10. What's Important?
What do you want from change?

11. Words, Thoughts, Feelings
Identifying how people really think about change.

12. Managing the Resistance to Change
Gaining support for change.

13. The Three Stages of Helping
Helping others through change.

14. The Learning Process
Learning as a process for dealing with change.

15. The Confidence Anchor
Building confidence about change.

16. Changing Procedures
Changing the way things are done.

17. Listening and Understanding
Summarising effectively.

18. The Five Stages of Change
How people cope with radical change.

19. Talking About Change
Changing leadership style.

Management Skills
Featured Talent
Arthur Proud
292 pages
Product Type
Activity Pack/Toolkit
Course ID

19 Activities • 80 'OK to copy' pages


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