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This item contains several different items. Purchasing this item includes all of the component items listed below.


Vado Learning Tracks provide learners with recommended course bundles to be taken to together for an in-depth development experience.

The Leading Teams Learning Track comprises the following bundles:

  1. Developing Work Relationships (7 courses)
  2. Creating Great Teamwork (5 courses)
  3. Conflict Management Skills (5 courses) 
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Course ID

Component Items

This is a compilation item which contains other items. Licensing this one item causes all of the following items to be licensed.

Developing Work Relationships
Individuals build their relationships with colleagues and peers to increase personal success and team collaboration.
The relationships we have with others matter. When we develop great relationships at work, we enjoy work more, are able to get more done with others, and are viewed as an important member of the team, all of which makes for a great work environment for yourself as well as others. The Developing Work... read more
Creating Great Teamwork
Managers strengthen their skills to build great teamwork among their employees and team.
Teamwork matters. When a team is cohesive and works well together, individuals are more engaged, more productive, and are more satisfied at work. A great team environment benefits everyone including individual employees, managers and the organization. As a leader, you can have a significant impact o... read more
Conflict Management Skills
Managers build their own conflict management skills, as well as learn how to coach employees to manage conflict with others.
When you're in a leadership position, you'll find it's inevitable that conflict will arise, therefore knowing how handle the conflict is essential. The Conflict Management Skills courseware will help you learn how to set conflict management expectations with your team, create a culture that handles ... read more

Related Courses

Vado - Learning Tracks
Course Bundles to Take Together for an in-depth Development Experience
Each of Vado's courses are chunked, bite sized learning experiences, which are grouped together to form bundles to enable provide learners with a comprehensive learning option. When using a bundle, learners complete a number of courses to more fully develop their skills and capabilities.