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Understand what you need to know from a legal perspective when interviewing candidates

The Result:
Interviewing brings legal responsibilities. It's up to you and your organization to make hiring and promotion decisions based on a fair and legally credible system. Interviewing is subject to both state and federal laws, which define legal and illegal practices in all aspects of hiring. It is important to check for any state hiring regulations that might apply. This course will present the information you need for these main federal regulations, as well as information to help guide your interviewing questions. Use this information as you plan each and every interview you'll perform. ) recertificat

This is available as part of

HR Compliance
We know from experience that learners are turned off by boring videos, irrelevant interactions, and memorizing laws. Our training starts with the laws but goes beyond by teaching people how to behave toward others and teaching how they can expect to be treated in return.
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