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Knowing how we're doing in our job is important. At any given point it's certainly nice to know if we're meeting expectations and if we're delivering work at a high level of performance. Without this information, we don't know what we need to do more of, or differently, to be a strong contributor to the team and organization. Although part of your boss's job is to coach and give you feedback, as individuals we also have a responsibility to be proactive and get what we need to be successful--and feedback is definitely one of these things. The good news is that there are a few things we can do to get the feedback required to ensure we are doing the right things at the right time and delivering the right level of performance. By completing this course, you will be able to ask your boss for feedback on your performance.

The Result:
Ask your boss for feedback on your performance

This is available as part of

You and Your Boss
Individuals build their relationship with their boss to receive the right level of feedback and coaching for success.
While it is true that the organization and your boss have a responsibility to create a great work situation for you, it's also true that you have a responsibility as well. You are responsible for taking action and doing the right things that will help you grow in your career and create a great work ... read more
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