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Managers have the greatest influence and ability to help us obtain the resources we need. Managers have the budget, approval level, and organization connections to help obtain the resources required. Without managerial support, it would be difficult for anyone to get what is needed to achieve individual and team goals. This course will provide a process to help you work with your employees to identify and secure the resources they need to be successful in their role and achieve their individual goals and deliverables. By completing this course, you will know how to provide the resources employees need for success.

The Result:
Take action to provide the resources employees need for success

This is available as part of

Providing Resources for Success
Managers learn how to provide the resources employees need to successfully deliver their objectives and achieve team goals.
When you manage others, one of the things you are responsible for is meeting the resource needs of your employees. Research shows that when employees have the resources that they need to do their job, with quality, they are more engaged, more productive, and have higher levels of work satisfaction. ... read more
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