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Being good at risk mitigation takes creativity. Often times it involves seeing the situation in a different way, identifying a variety of possible solutions, and being willing to try something new or different. This at times can be a challenge. However, when it comes to mitigating project risk, being open to new ideas and asking others for input is an essential component to anyone's success. Risk mitigation is about identifying actions you and the project team can take to minimize the negative impact or consequences of a particular project risk. While there are a few ways you can approach this task, we have identified a short and simple process to help you get there. By completing this course, you will know how to minimize the consequences of adverse situations on the project.

The Result:
Minimize the consequences of adverse situations on the project

This is available as part of

Project Management for Managers
Project Managers focus on the skills required to lead and manage effective and successful projects.
When you're in charge of managing a project there is a lot to do. Whether it's planning and tracking tasks and assignments, involving others in the right way, communicating to stakeholders or negotiating and decision-making. All of these skills must be used when you are responsible for the success o... read more
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