Printed Toolkit



Session Builders Series 101 is a 2 Volume set of 60 Activities.  It covers over 20 of the most important management and supervisory skills, from active listening to time management.With more than 200 exercise options and variations you will always have a choice of realistic, easy-to-use designs that will add “something extra” to your training programs.

Each Session Builder exercise is short, simple to run and debrief. The exercises are provided in a completely detailed manner, so that there are no surprises for the end-user at any point in the training process.

You can use Session Builders to:
• Build skills
• Illustrate concepts 
• Stimulate discussion
• Promote on-the-job application
• Reinforce learning
• Create a supportive learning climate

Session Builders exercises are flexible, as well: you can use them to help design your own management/supervisory training or as a supplement to your existing program.
Management Skills
850 pages
Product Type
Activity Pack/Toolkit
Course ID

60 Exercises