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When you're looking for ideas to enhance your management development workshops - or even revamping your entire programme - everything you need is here in this one resource.

There are times when you don't need an entire pack dedicated to 'meetings' or 'performance appraisals' or 'leadership' or 'motivating the team' or 'time management'; but often you do need a session on a particular subject, as part of a much broader management development programme. That's when you'll turn to this pack - again and again.

All the core subjects, (those mentioned above plus many more), are covered by a different activity in this single resource.

The 20 tried and tested activities have been used successfully to:

  • Give new managers practice in the core skills
  • Remind senior and experienced managers that the 'essentials' are vital to performance and do need to be practised!

List of Activities:

1. What are the essentials of management?
How do I rate my standing as a manger?

2. Orientated to the future
How do I establish what areas I should be focusing my attention?

3. Planning for the future
How do we plan the best way of achieving our objectives?

4. Decision making
How should I decide what to do?

5. Managing time and delegation
How do I identify priority tasks and who will tackle them?

6. Recruiting and selecting
How do I choose the best person for the job?

7. On the job training
How do I train my staff to be more effective at work?

8. Leadership
How do I develop an effective leadership style?

9. Motivating your team
How can I get my team to work more effectively?

10. Feedback skills
How do I give and receive feedback to ensure the effective performance of my team members?

11. Managing assertively
How can I learn to manage others without manipulating them?

12. Face to face communication skills
How can I communicate effectively when face to face with others?

13. Written communications
How can I express myself clearly when writing?

14. Managing meetings
How do I ensure that my management meetings make effective decisions?

15. Managing budgets
How do I work out and manage my unit's budget?

16. Solving problems together
How can I help my staff resolve personal and professional problems that affect their work?

17. Performance appraisal
How can I conduct both formal and informal reviews to improve staff performance?

18. Customer care
How can I make sure I manage to be responsive to the needs of my customers?

19. Managing change
How can I manage change and create a more effective section?

20. Continuing professional development
How can I continue to develop my management skills and expertise?

557 pages, with 244 OK to copy pages.

Management Skills
Organizational Development
Featured Talent
Eddie Davies
557 pages
Product Type
Activity Pack/Toolkit
Course ID

20 Activities • 244 'OK to copy' pages


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