The Business Writing Toolkit will be one of your most popular training resources: a valuable reference tool for punctuation and grammar; sessions on report writing and how to construct your writing; key tools to incorporate in any communication skills programme.
It deals with all the things people need to think about – external and internal documents, letters, press releases, reports, evaluation, presentations and handouts, memo’s, e-mails and faxes and writing skills such as grammar, punctuation and much more!
1. Letters - start and finish
These tools will help you improve your letters. They guide you through the planning stage and help you to write suitable opening and closing paragraphs.
2. Letters responding to enquiries
These tools will help you write effective letters in response to an enquiry.
3. Letters that sell
These tools will help you write sales letters that appeal directly to the potential buyer.
4. Letters that achieve action
These tools will help you write letters that demand action from any organisation or individual.
5. Letters in response to complaints
This tool will give you practice at writing complaints before you become involved in responding on behalf of your organisation.
6. Letters that have only one or two sentences
These tools will help you write letters that are difficult because they are so short.
7. Standard letters (that don't sound standard)
These tools demonstrate good practice in writing standard letters and offer the chance to develop personal writing skills.
8. Writing a press release
You should use this tool when you:
- are new to writing press releases;
- want to ensure that your press releases are presented in a way which will encourage their use.
9. Memos, e-mail, fax or messages
These tools will help you improve the quality of your written communication with colleagues.
10. Reports
These tools will help you write business reports.
11. Paperwork for presentations
You should use these tools when you are:
- new to giving presentations;
- are tempted to just give copies of OHTs.
If you are responsible for the development of staff within your organisation or department:
- use the tools as handouts or the basis of an exercise on - presentation skills courses.
12. Evaluation
These tools provide a selection of evaluation forms for use in different circumstances.
13. Course handouts
These tools will help you develop effective handouts that present an appropriate image of you as a trainer.
14. Agendas
The agenda forms the structure for a meeting and the basis for the minutes. It is essential that it is well constructed and these five tools will help achieve that through explanation and examples. The tools will help you to understand the purpose for the different sections of the agenda and to write one that is useful.
15. Minutes
The tools will help you to:
- decide on, and use the most appropriate style for your minutes;
- present minutes in a concise and professional style;
- following the conventions for presenting each section;
- show decisions and actions clearly.
16. Posters
These tools will help you prepare posters that draw attention and inform readers.
17. The internal CV
These tools will help you to put together a well-structured, appropriate CV if you are applying for posts under internal reorganisation. They are a combination of reference material and practical exercises, culminating in step-by-step guidance on putting together your CV.
18. Appraisal notes
These tools will help you prepare notes for an appraisal meeting and keep a useful record of discussions.
19. Writing procedures
These tools will help you write procedures that are clear, concise and easy to follow.
20. Sentences and paragraphs
The tools will give you an understanding of what makes sentences and paragraphs effective. They will help you write clearly and in such a way as to make your documents easily understood.
21. Punctuation
The tools will help you understand and learn the rules for using punctuation marks.
22. Avoiding wordiness
These tools will help you write economically and clearly.
23. Don't Obfuscate, avoid loquacity!
These tools will help you improve your writing through the use of plain English. They will also develop your understanding of other people's writing through easy identification of potential misunderstandings.
24. Planning
You should use this tool when you are:
- new to writing reports and longer documents;
- aware of wasting time editing and restructuring;
- having trouble getting started on a document.
If you are responsible for the development of staff within your organisation or department:
- give a copy of the tool to any member of staff who would benefit from help with planning documents;
- use the tool as a handout on training courses.
25. Spelling
These tools are a source of reference to help with common spelling problems and get you started on improving your spelling.
26. Vocabulary
These tools will help you improve and develop your vocabulary and find the right word for the purpose.
27. Conventions for typed documents
These tools will help you ensure that your letters and reports are clear from the point of view of presentation. The importance of layout and presentation should not be overlooked as they form theall-important first impression and help easy reading.
28. Diction
You should use this tool when you:
- are new to dictating;
- feel you should respond to your secretary's comments!
29. A glossary of grammar
You should use the tool:
- whenever you want to check on the meaning of a frequently used grammatical term;
- when you want to improve your knowledge of grammar.